Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte

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Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte


Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte For one who has spent so much time in the Absolute, perhaps embodiment and reconnecting with instinct and feelings is the resurrection…(Taos, New Mexico, USA)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte I was aware of my expectations and preconceptions dissolving…[My] dream had dredged up such pain during the previous [meeting]. This time, instead of resisting, I entered the dream with curiosity, and instead of pain, I found a very tender, protective essence – devoid of "story." (Taos, New Mexico, USA)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte [The] movement had a life of its own. I sensed a change of consciousness: Oh! So this is meditation! It’s a good experience! It opens up creation, being a part of everything instead of being separate. (Port Townsend, Washington, USA)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte I feel I have really gained a new practice of "dropping ego" and moving from deeper impulses whether these impulses include investigating a body symptom or just seeing what movements need to be expressed given the chance….

This training about how to recognize and follow internal/archetypal/symptom/dream/unknown impulses/movements has allowed me more freedom in my body and mind as I have been able to release some of these formerly denied impulses. The more I release these impulses the less they "dream me" which allows me more freedom of movement in mind and body. It seems like I have touched on a never-ending practice here. (Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte While performing the exercises I experienced long gaps in the chain of discursive thoughts….which made me feel free from the illusion of time….I really don’t have words for it, but in a way the body felt more like a mind, or maybe I experienced it as the one bodymind….(Seattle, Washington, USA)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte I learned a lot. Not only in/through what you shared but in/through what you didn’t share. Or rather, in the way you left space for our own discoveries….[you] allowed the gaps between thoughts to lengthen and become more frequent. (Seattle, Washington, USA)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte Ineffable moments can almost be snagged at these Dark Feminine scenes/workshops/retreats. And the parsing through of those experiences, in a group, has enriched my private analysis and helped me value those ubiquitous "spaces between" that are so often overlooked/assumed/ignored/dismissed. Words and experiences don’t always mesh: something resonates here with a preverbal way of being. (Zurich, SWITZERLAND)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte Clearly, the more conscious I can become about the realm of this unconscious feminine, this receptive Yin energy, the wider and more flexible my consciousness might become. On the other hand, I’m not sure consciousness is the ultimate goal for some of this, maybe rather, an active respect and appreciation for the mysteries of this unconscious realm are what I can hope to achieve. This has to be of value both in my analytical work as analyst and as analysand. (Zurich, SWITZERLAND)

Jungian, psychology, analyst, analysis, movement, butoh, dark feminine, Black Madonna, hydrothermal vents, synchronicity, subtle body, image, Tantra, Tibetan Buddhism, numinosity, dolls, narcissism, Cedrus Monte The work made me realize that I have experienced longing only as something negative. It never dawned on me, before the workshop, that longing could be positive as well. But the exercise in which we shifted from longing to its opposite helped me understand the value of the opposite, and gain the knowledge that in the middle both…can meet and provide peace, assurance, trust. Experiencing it in the body complements the rational knowledge, and gives it more grounding. (Zurich, SWITZERLAND)

All your anxiety is because of your desire for harmony. Seek disharmony, then you will gain peace.

Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.


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Cedrus Monte, Ph.D. Dipl., is a Jungian analyst trained at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.

© Cedrus Monte, all rights reserved up to and including the present date